Online marketing meeting resumes for new season

Online marketing in Galway will hold its first meeting of the season next Tuesday (October 30 ) in the Harbour Hotel Galway.

The line-up of speakers will offer their insight and perspective to online marketing, starting a business online, website design and website optimisation.

Ann Halloran, MD of In-Tuition Learning and Development ,will kick off by sharing her “five tips to successful online business building”. This will be followed by a brief presentation from the OMiG volunteers, revealing the results of a survey undertaken to find out what Galway people want to learn about online marketing and what the future of the online marketing in Galway network will entail.

To finish off the night there will be a presentation from web developer Senan Kelly, and Mark McGann, owner of the Galway-based interactive design and development agency Block5 Designs. Both will give tips and tricks of things to keep in mind when designing a new website for your company. This presentation will be accompanied by a preview of the new OMiG website.

Declan Fleming, head of NUI Galway’s marketing department, says the network is a great initiative that will benefit both students and small business.

“Students, in particular, who get involved in this network can use it to learn new skills and gain valuable marketing experience which will give them a substantial head start for when they enter the working world.

“Small businesses can take advantage of this network and the easy to use marketing tools that it promotes to either increase their online presence or get their business online in the first place if they haven’t done so already.”

Anyone is interested in getting involved in the network as a volunteer, speaker or sponsor can contact: or visit


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