Public debate to ask if Jesus was crucified

The crucifixion of Jesus is one of the central symbols of western culture and an established historical fact, but in Asia it is a contested issue and one open to historical and archaeological doubt.

For Christians, the crucifixion is central to their faith. For Islam, that Jesus did not suffer a criminals’ death on the cross is of major importance to their religion. So who is right?

This fascinating question, which covers such diverse areas of theology, history, and archaeology will be the subject of a debate in NUI Galway this Monday at 8pm in the O’Flaherty Theatre on the main concourse.

The event will see David McCay, a pastor and professor of systematic theology, ethics, and apologetics at the Reformed Theological College, Belfast, and Adnan Rashid, senior researcher at the IERA and Hittin Institute in London, present their case, and ask and answer questions from each other. There will also be a Q&A session with the audience.

The event will be chaired by the Galway Advertiser’s arts editor and political correspondent Kernan Andrews and it is hosted by the NUIG Islamic Society. Admission is free and the public as well as students are welcome.


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