Tomorrow marks the deadline for entering nominations for the County Mayors Awards which will comprise a record 11 categories.
Speaking about the changes to the awards the County Mayor, Cllr Thomas Welby, commented: “I am particularly pleased that there is a category for the private sector called ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Award’. Many private businesses operating around the county have made a deliberate effort to give back to the community, for example through sponsorship, being more environmentally conscious, internal fundraising activities or allowing staff to engage in community activities.”
Speaking about the difficult times the private sector is facing the Mayor added: “Businesses that go beyond their financial and legal obligations should be acknowledged and rewarded and I hope that this award can go some way to doing that.”
Three heritage awards are now included in the Mayors Awards as well as the Community Enterprise Award, Environmental Award, Sports Award, Arts & Culture Award, Social Inclusion Award, and the very special Volunteer of the Year Award. In recognition of the 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations a new intergenerational award has also been included.
When offering advice on entering a nomination, Valerie Kavanagh, organiser of the awards advises groups to “have an open mind about each category. For example there is no age restrictions on the Volunteer of the Year Category, and youth and older persons groups can apply under the social inclusion category.”
Winners will be presented with a specially commissioned prestigious Mayors Award hand crafted by Loughrea craft producer Marcin Calka of Reborn Art Studios and a €500 cheque to use for their work.
Information and nomination forms can be downloaded from or you can email or phone the community and enterprise office of Galway County Council on 091 476400. Nominations must be in by 4pm tomorrow Friday, October 19.