Call for artists’ submissions

THE GALWAY University Hospitals Arts Trust is seeking submissions for its 2013 exhibition programme.

The GUH Arts Trust is interested in artists/curators who wish to engage with their audience by including artists’ talks, workshops, etc, as part of the exhibition. Artists/curators should keep in mind when submitting a proposal that the trust programmes for an acute hospital setting with vulnerable people and this will be considered in selecting exhibitions.

Submissions must include an artist’s statement, a proposal; an up to date CV; images or representations of previous work in PC compatible DVD or CD format, accompanied by an image list with titles, medium, and dimensions clearly labelled; an SAE for return of work.

Proposals should be addressed to: Margaret Flannery, Arts Director, Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust, University Hospital, Newcastle Road, Galway or you can email your submission to

The deadline for applications is Thursday November 1 2012.


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