How Hugo Chávez survived the coup

IN APRIL 2002 there was an attempt to overthrow the president of Venezuela Hugo Chávez, but 48 hours later he was back in power.

A Galway film company, Power Pictures, was there to see it and directors Kim Bartley and Donnacha O’Briain and producer David Power created the documentary The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

This eyewitness film soon came subject to extensive attack including a formal BBC enquiry. However it has also enjoyed critical acclaim and received many awards. Now a book on the film and reaction to it is about to be launched.

Chávez: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised A Case Study of Politics and Media by Rod Stoneman of NUI, Galway’s Huston School of Film & Digital Media, will be launched in the President’s Drawing Room, the Quadrangle, NUIG, on Monday December 8 at 4.30pm.

The guest speaker at the event will be Labour party president and Galway West TD Michael D Higgins.

Wallflower Press, in association with Columbia University Press in the USA, is publishing the book and the DVD of The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, on the 10th anniversary of Hugo Chávez’s election victory.


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