‘Bish’ to mark 150th anniversary with celebration dinner

A special celebration dinner to mark the 150th anniverary of the opening of St Joseph’s Patrician College (The Bish ) will take place on Saturday October 13 at the Ardilaun Hotel, Taylors Hill.

The college is the largest boys only second level school in Galway and has served the educational needs of city boys since it was opened in 1862 by the Patrician Brothers. The school is now under the trusteeship of Le Cheile Trust.

Tickets are currently on sale from the school office at Nuns Island or on the school website at www.bish.ie This event is expected to be a sell-out so early booking is advisable.

“We are anxious to reach out to former pupils of the school and invite friends and supporters to join us for what will be a very special event,” says Myles McHugh, the chairperson of the college’s board of management.

“There is a great loyalty among past Bish alumni and we are anxious that as many past pupils as possible attend.”

Ciaran Doyle, the principal of the school, says this year is a very important milestone for it. “The Bish has a very strong legacy of educational excellence in the city and we are very proud to celebrate the success of the college in delivering second level education to boys in the city.”

Other events are planned to celebrate this important occasion. A school Mass will be held in St Augustine’s Church on Friday November 9 to celebrate the work of the Patrician Brothers. The Big Breakfast at the Salthill Hotel on the Sunday will give parents an opportunity to be part of the celebrations.


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