If you are looking for a pet, check out these gorgeous animals looking for homes. While we can only show you a sample here, please check our website www.galway-spca.com and have a look at all our animals. Please note home checks are carried out for all our animals, and a donation is required.
Our office number is (091 ) 563631. Please leave a message and the staff will return your call. We ask people leaving telephone numbers to say them slowly as we are having difficulty with people flying through their number, and when it is replayed it is impossible to know what the person is saying. If giving directions, please give them from Galway to the location in question.
You can also e-mail us at gspca@eircom.net
Beckett: Beckett is a handsome dog, approximately 10 months old. He has a lovely, gentle, character and is very affectionate. He loves attention and will happily snuggle on your lap after his walk.
Mikado: Mikado is a juvenile collie, about nine or 10 months old. He is a quiet, gentle, intelligent dog. He would make an ideal pet for a young family who would romp and play with him.
Titch: Little Titch is about eight months old. She is finding life at the GSPCA a little overwhelming due to all the noise and bustle. She is a beautiful dog and would make a great companion for anyone.
Daisy: Those who have been following Daisy’s travails online will be glad to hear she is slowly recovering and has a new home. After spending a week at Ark Vets she has pulled through but is not out of the woods yet. She has now gone to a new home in Ashford Castle Estate where she will live with a cat and two dogs, as well as a new family. Her new owner is a holistic animal therapist and Daisy is enjoying daily massages and reflexology and general pampering. The GSPCA extends a huge thank you to everyone who donated towards Daisy’s care, and who sent good wishes and prayers.