Curves Galway wins European award

The hard work of staff and members of Curves Galway has paid off with a European fitness award for this popular fitness facility. Why not be a part of this dynamic club and avail of all Curves has to offer.

The children are back to school, and the normal routine has resumed. Now is the time to focus on you.

Curves offers a 30 minute workout that suits every schedule. By working out three times a week you will be enjoying the benefits of exercise before you know it. These benefits include decreased stress levels, more energy, a toned body, and a whole host of others. Staff at Curves monitor your body fat and measurements on a monthly basis to keep you in check.

If, like many women, you are overwhelmed by traditional gyms and do not have a lot of time to exercise, Curves may be the answer for you. Curves provides a safe, efficient, and effective workout for women of all ages and fitness levels in an environment that is comfortable and welcoming.

This is a great time to join. Curves is currently offering a back to school special of just €49 to get you started. The club also offers student memberships to suit busy university students.

Call Curves for a free tour and fitness assessment at 091 781000 or drop in to Curves in the Liosban Business Park. You will be glad you did.


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