Know the signs, warns ACT for Meningitis as students return

ACT for Meningitis, the Irish charity for meningitis awareness, is issuing a warning as children and students go back to school and college this September.

There is a higher risk of meningitis at this time of year as students spend more time indoors, and with close contact, germs are spread more easily. Also illness such as a cold or flu may weaken the immune system making the body more susceptible to the disease. Knowing the signs and symptoms of meningitis can save a life. They may appear in any order or some may not appear at all.

Siobhan Carroll CEO of ACT for Meningitis said: "The symptoms may be difficult to spot so we ask people to trust their instincts and if they suspect meningitis to seek medical help immediately. The signs of meningitis can include vomiting, fever, headache, stiff neck, severe muscle pain and confusion. In babies being irritable, refusing to feed, high pitched crying, rapid breathing and cold hands and feet, bulging soft spot on head are all symptoms of meningitis. Children up to age five are the most at risk age group. The 16 to 23 age group are the second high risk age, but anyone can get meningitis. Meningitis does not always produce a rash. If it does appear it will not fade under pressure. Time is of the utmost importance. Meningitis can strike so quickly and can kill within hours.”

Act for Meningitis is also reminding people that now is a good time to ensure their child's vaccination programme is up to date - if in doubt clarify with your general practitioner. Check out for more information, or follow ACT for Meningitis on Facebook.


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