Have you ever came up with a great idea that got you all excited and enthusiastic to the point that it felt like you won the lottery, and that was before you even told somebody. Then, with the time, the idea became deflated until eventually it got buried away with all the other great ideas that could have been the greatest thing since sliced bread.
When you get a creative idea for your business, dive right in and just go for it. Let your creativity and sense of adventure explode. Release your inner business child.
Think back to when you were a child riding your bike for the first time. You didn’t do a risk assessment or stress test before getting up and going as fast as you could. You didn’t think ‘what if I fail to reach my desired speed?’ or ‘what if I fall? When you did fall, your parent’s response would be to tell you it’s nothing to worry about and to get back on your bike as soon as possible. You had no fear of failure; you didn’t care what other people were thinking. It was all about being free, enjoying the moment, and inducing a self-fulfilling happiness of just being and doing.
The achieving was in the action, not necessarily in the result. The result would come with the experience of falling down and getting back on the saddle as many times as it took. You always believed and knew that the end result would arrive. You didn’t look at falling as failure, you seen it as experience. Too often people work on ideas to the point where it seems impossible and they stop.
Some times the very idea that they visualized as a success doesn’t materialize because they stop. Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when he tried to create the light bulb. When asked about it, Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 1,000 ways that it won’t work” Edison knew how to connect and release the inner business child. You must do the same when beginning a new business idea.
Think as you did when you were a child riding a bike for the first time. You were fearless. You had a great sense of self-belief and determination. The journey was magical. You enjoyed it. The outcome wasn’t the most important thing on your mind but you seemed to always get there in the end.
When you get an idea, don’t analysis the genius takings from your light bulb moment to death or let other peoples failed efforts or negative opinions stop you from listening to your gut instinct or grabbing your golden opportunity. Of course you have to put a plan together and follow certain steps that will help you get to your end goal, but you don’t need to examine other peoples errors to the point where you become disinterested purely out of fear.
Reduce your fear of failure by doing it rather than talking about it. Learn to enjoy the process rather than worrying about what might go wrong or trying to do it perfectly. The fact is that you can never 100 percent predict or determine the exact outcome of your idea.
Don’t let people talk you down. Remember, the Beatles were rejected by Decca Recording Studios who said that they didn’t like their sound and that they had no future in show business. Look at all new ideas, not as challenges, but as opportunities to learn new skills and have fun.
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