Learn how to deepen your spirituality with Westside course

A course aimed at deepening people’s spirituality will run on Tuesdays at Westside Resource Centre (opposite the library ) from 8pm to 9pm.

“God’s coming into our world as compassion” is the overall title of the event which will begin on September 18 and is geared at people journeying in a changing world.

The first evening will concentrate on “The Incarnation a cosmic mystery,” while “Spirituality? What does it mean in our world and how it effects our living,” is the title of the September 25 talk.

On Tuesday October 2 the focus will be on contemplation and participants will learn practical skills to support their prayer life. The final evening will look at Jesus’s presence in our world.

The facilitators are Kathleen Coyle, Moire McDowall, and Breda McFadden.

The course fee is €40 with concessions for students and the unemployed. To secure a place a €10 deposit is required.

For further information contact Kieran at (087 ) 2996322 or Imelda at (086 ) 6098887


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