Galway-based artist launches exhibition at Bar No 8

Galway-based artist Bertrand Huvé is to launch his first solo art exhibition Premier Sourire at Bar No 8, on the docks, next Monday at 6pm.

Mr Huvé is known in Galway for his musical exploits, especially for his saxophone playing. He teaches sax and clarinet at GTI and plays with the big band, Black Magic. He has been involved in various musical projects since his arrival in Galway more than 12 years ago.

In the last few years, he began to take art lessons with Ken Hall. Beginning with watercolours, Mr Huvé soon found he had a passion for art, quickly devoting more time to it. He is about to begin his final year of part-time study in Clan Mhuire’s art and design course.

Premier Sourire features monotypes as well as oil and acrylic paintings on the theme of parenthood. The subject is especially close to the artist’s heart, as he and his partner welcomed their second daughter, Melissa, to the family at the end of the June. She recently smiled for the first time, which led to the name of the exhibition, which is French for ‘first smile’.

The exhibition opens at 6pm on August 27 and all are welcome to attend.


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