Learn to swim with Braemor Swimming Club

You can learn to swim at any age. Braemor SC’s swimming course for adults and teenagers will begin next week with classes nightly at 8pm from Monday August 20. This is a quick and easy way to learn to swim.

The club caters for nervous pupils and you will have an instructor in the water with you. The improver course caters for pupils who want to learn the breathing technique on front crawl and be competent and confident in the water. Learning the breathing technique enables you to swim for longer distances and to swim with ease. Considerable progress is made when learning to swim on this type of course.

Swimming promotes health, fitness, and relaxation. It is a non-weight-bearing aerobic exercise so it helps to develop cardiovascular fitness and maintain flexibility.


A children’s course will also commence Monday August 20 with classes for complete beginners and improvers at 10am. The course is run by a former international Olympic panellist swimmer, who is a fully qualified teacher and coach with many years’ experience.

To book phone Braemor SC at 085 1223303 or join at the pool.


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