A leading diet and health expert has given two former Galway county players the chance of fighting their way back into the first team.
Conor Dervan, who had an illustrious career with the senior team, and Derek Hardiman, who played right-wing back position, were both playing with a local club when they turned to Kathryn Duffy, owner of NuTron Advanced, a well known health and weight loss programme.
“Both players were keen to regain a place in the senior Galway side, but they both had weight and fitness issues which they needed to address,” Ms Duffy said.
Ms Duffy, who runs clinics across Ireland, introduced the players to the ImuPro test which scientifically identifies reactions to foods, chemicals, and other substances associated with gastro-intestinal inflammation.
The simple blood test analyses the reaction to nearly 300 different elements and creates a personal food immune profile, which allows sufferers of many chronic ailments to alleviate — or even eliminate — their symptoms by altering their diet.
In Dervan’s case, the test discovered a hitherto unsuspected allergy to all kinds of eggs, and also milk. Hardiman’s results showed that he was intolerant to eggs, gluten, sesame seeds, and nutmeg.
“I have worked with a lot of other tests in my professional life, but I have never come across a test like ImuPro, which pinpoints with such unerring accuracy exactly where the food intolerance problem lies,” Ms Duffy said.
After an elimination diet lasting just a few weeks, Conor Dervan had lost 1.5 stones in weight and Derek Hardiman had lost a stone. Both men's fitness levels had improved exponentially.
“Since discovering the underlying problem with their diet, Conor and Derek’s game has improved out of all recognition,” Ms Duffy added. “They both say that they have never experienced such fitness levels. They feel better than they have in years.”
People can develop intolerances to any number of foods. Food intolerances are not immediately obvious but may cause a range of delayed symptoms that are seemingly unconnected to specific foods until they are tested.
Many people are oblivious to food intolerances until they have a comprehensive type III IgG allergy (food intolerance ) test. The test tells them which foods to exclude from their diet and which foods they should eat in moderation.
For further information, contact Kathryn Duffy at NuTron Advanced, phone 087 2219692 or 091 797803, email duffykathryn@eircom.net, or visit www.nutronadvanced.com or www.wellnessrejuvenationrooms.com