SUMMER MUSIC in Galway, a festival aimed at children as much as classical buffs takes place in Claregalway Castle from Monday August 6 to Saturday 11.
A major part of the festival is the programme for young students of orchestral instruments which includes full-day classes for experiences players and half-day junior programmes.
Interested players may register online up to August 6th and if numbers require it there will be transportation arranged between Galway city and Claregalway on a daily basis. Concerts, recitals and opera performances will take place in the Castle grounds.
Chamber orchestra and Opera Ensemble conductor is Keith Pascoe, conductor of the Cork Symphony Orchestra and violinist with the RTE Vanburgh Quartet.
The performance schedule is Monday (Mozart plus Summer Serenades at 2pm, the opera Hansel & Gretel at 8pm ); Thursday 9 (Beethoven at 8pm ); Friday 10 (the opera Eloise at 8pm ); Saturday 11 (Mendelssohn’s Reformation Symphony at 2pm, followed by his A Midsummer Night’s Dream at 8pm ).
Tickets are €5 (single ), €15 (family ) for afternoons and €10/5 (single ) and €20 (family ) for evenings. For more information email or see