Paws 4 Thought

If you are looking for a pet, check out these gorgeous animals looking for homes. While we can only show you a sample here, please check our website and have a look at all our animals. Please note home checks are carried out for all our animals, and a donation is required.

Our office number is (091 ) 563631. Please leave a message and the staff will return your call. We ask people leaving telephone numbers to say them slowly as we are having difficulty with people flying through their number, and when it is replayed it is impossible to know what the person is saying. If giving directions, please give them from Galway to the location in question.

You can also e-mail us at

Lulu: When Lulu was found straying it was obvious to the GSPCA staff who went to catch her that something was wrong with her sight. She was on a busy road, going round in circles, and was very disorientated. She is approximately three to five years old, and is blind. At the moment Lulu is in the GSPCA sanctuary but would find a foster home less stressful. She is a very friendly cat who loves to cuddle. She is able to get around very well, though a new owner would have to be careful to keep furniture and other large objects in her route in the same place.

If you think you can offer Lulu a loving home contact the GSPCA, or phone Emma on 087 6916467. Use this number only if you are interested in adopting Lulu.

Hesky: Hesky has been with the GSPCA for many months. When he first arrived at the GSPCA Hesky was very ill, and was having seizures daily, some lasting for up to two hours.

After vets tried in vain to pinpoint the source of these seizures, Hesky was referred to UCD Veterinary College where he underwent CT scans and lumber punctures. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the public, the cost of Hesky’s medical procedures were covered, and while all this was happening Emma at the sanctuary was fostering him. While the scans also failed to identify the problem, they confirmed that he did not have any tumours or lesions on his brain, and his seizures have become less severe over time.

The GSPCA is now looking for a loving home for Hesky. His new owner will need to understand that Hesky needs lifelong care for his condition, including medication and regular monitoring. When he is not having seizures he is a lovely, friendly, happy, energetic dog. He will need an active home, he loves children, is very affectionate, and will make a great pet.

The public have been magnificent in their support of and interest in Hesky, and he has featured regularly on the GalwaySPCA Facebook page.

Hesky is still in foster care with Emma, and he will be there until a suitable home is sourced for him.

If you are interested in adopting Hesky call the sanctuary at Heathlawn or contact Emma on 087 6916467 and leave a clear message. Emma will return your call as soon as she can.

Once again a huge thank you to everyone who has helped Hesky on his journey. Check the Galway SPCA Facebook page for further updates.


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