An electrician at the edge of madness

DARREN KILLEEN of Game of Thrones and Ros Na Rún, stars in the one man show Sparks, in Kelly’s, Bridge Street, tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday at 3pm.

This dark comedy is told through the character of Gerry, an electrician at the end of his tether, who relates a day in his life and how the recession is pushing him to the very edge of his sanity.

The play, which is part of the Galway Fringe Festival, will be staged by County Clare’s Hounds’ Hollow Productions. Sparks is written and directed by Pat Hynes and was shortlisted for RTÉ’s 2011 PJ O’Connor Awards.

Tickets are €10/8 and can be booked through the Galway Fringe Festival’s box office on Francis Street, 086 - 0867237 or


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