Army numbers to increase at Renmore Barracks

Army numbers at Renmore Barracks are set to increase by almost 180 personnel following the announcement of the reorganisation of the Defence Forces.

On Tuesday the Minister for Defence Alan Shatter announced the consolidation of three existing Army brigades into two larger brigades, the redeployment of posts engaged in administration; and support to front-line operational units.

The reorganisation will see the retention of the First Brigade – an Chéad Chathlán Coisithe – at Dún Uí Mhaoilíosa in Renmore and an increase in Army strength located there from 318 at present to 496.

The news has been welcomed by Fine Gael Galway West TD Brian Walsh who said the announcement “quashes recurring rumours” that the barracks in Renmore had been earmarked for closure under the consolidation plans.

“As recently as last week, members of the Opposition have been scaremongering about plans to downgrade and close Renmore Barracks,” he said. “Now those statements have been exposed as false and needlessly distressing for staff and their families.”

Dep Walsh said that the details of the reorganisation had demonstrated that the State’s only Irish-speaking battalion, located in Renmore, was central to plans for the reconsolidated Defence Force.


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