Day by Day by Volvo — the complete guide to Galway’s biggest event

Friday June 29

3pm Joan Burton TD, Minister for Social Protection, officially attends Jobs Fair, Global Village

Saturday June 30

‘Family Day’

10am Jobs Fair Global Village (until 5pm )

10am RBW Exhibition Race Windsurfing Galway Bay (until 2.30pm )

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare Island /Mutton Island until 5pm (for full schedule of on-water activities 10am Family Fun Days - Earn a Pirates Higher Diploma at Black John Cartoon Workshops (12noon, 1pm, 3pm and 4pm ) Global Village Marine Hub

10am All day - Fashion and Beauty Exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, mini facials, and hair extension demonstrations. Global Village Style Platform

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro-toques Mini-Chef Children’s Cookery workshop with Kevin Dundon, Dunbrody House in the Food Pavilion Global Village

11am Street Theatre & Roving Entertainment Race Village

(until 7pm )

12noon Official opening of Global Village by Eamon Gilmore TD, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade

12.30pm Irish Food Today: Cookery Demos with Celebrity Chef Kevin Dundon in the Food Pavillion Global Village

1pm Galway Gospel Singers followed by musical entertainment from The Umbrellas, Converse Allstars, Miracle Bell and iRadio DJ in Race Village iRadio Marina stage,

1pm IDA/ IDSA Accessible Sailing (until 4pm ) inside Mutton Island

1pm Battle of the Bands on Global Village Main Stage followed by Fringe Festival, Neon Wolfe, Dot, Alale and The Brad Pitt Light Orchestra

2pm GHA Hooker Racing Galway Bay (until 5pm )

2pm RBW Taste of Windsurfing Rusheen Bay (until 6pm )

2pm The Wooden Spoon, Breads, Baking and Deserts: Cookery Demo with Brid Torrades, Osta Café and Wine Bar Sligo: Global Village Food Pavillion

3.30pm Putting Local Food on the Menu- Michael O’Meara Oscar’s Restaurant in Global Village Food Pavilion

5pm West Coast Cooking – Brid Torrades Osta Café and Wine Bar Sligo Global in Village Food Pavilion

6pm Official opening of Race Village by Michael Ring TD, Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport

8pm Dara O’Briain, Global Village Global Arena

8pm Kanyu Tree, Race Village Harbour Main Stage

9pm Maverick Sabre, Race Village Harbour Main Stage

Sunday July 1

‘France Day’

Time TBC Visit of Her Excellency Mme. Emmanuelle D’achon, Ambassador of France in Ireland

10am RBW Exhibition Race (until 5pm )

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro- toques Mini-Chef Children’s Workshops Gary O’Hanlon, Viewmount House in the Food Pavillion Global Village

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare Island /Mutton Island until 5pm

10am Family Fun Days- Earn a Pirates Higher Diploma at Black John Cartoon Workshops (12noon, 1pm, 3pm and 4pm ) Global Village Marine Hub

10am All Day -Fashion, jewellery and beauty Exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, mini facials, and hair extension demonstrations.

12.30pm Irish Food Today: Cookery Demo with Chef Mickael Viljanen, the Greenhouse, Dawson St. Dublin

1pm Céili Mór Global Village Global Arena (until 4pm )

1pm Music Matters followed by Galway Fringe Festival, Ashley Tubridy, Sophie Coyle, Neon Wolf, The New Free, Preachers Son and Benny and the Goodmen Global Village Main Stage

1pm Galway Baroque Singers followed by I Saw Stars, Gareth Dunlop, Bipolar Empire, and DJ iRadio in Race Village iRadio Marina Stage

1pm Theatre, Drama, Poetry Readings and Documentaries from Student Players & Directors, followed by Galway Fringe Festival, Cuirt Festival Slam Poetry Show and ‘The Little Cinema’ Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages ( until 7pm )

1pm Junk Kouture Fashion Shows Global Village Style Platform

2pm GHA Hooker Racing Galway Bay (until 6pm )

2pm RBW Try Windsurfing Galway Bay (until 6pm )

2pm Putting Local Food on the Menu- Gary O’Hanlon Viewmount House in the Food Pavilion Global Village

3pm Junk Kouture Fashion Shows Global Village Style Platform

3.30pm West Coast Cooking- Wade Murphy, Doonbeg Lodge in the Global Village Food Pavilion

4pm Galway Bay Sailing Club ‘Parade of Sail’ and Junior ‘Parade of Sail’ from Salthill to Galway Docks

5pm Forgotten Skills, Forgotten Tastes: PJ Ryan Cashel Blue Cheese Global Village Food Pavilion

7pm Niwel Tsumbu followed by Ryan Sheridan and the Family Stone in Race Village Harbour Main Stage

7pm Après Match host Euro 2012 in Global Village Global Arena- Live Big Screen Match Broadcast with pre & post match analysis and humour f rom the Après Match team live from the Global Arena

Monday July 2

‘Brazil Day’

10am ICT Day ( until 1pm ) ‘Cloud computing and beyond’ chaired by Dr. Theo Lynn, Irish Centre for Cloud Computing & Commerce; with speakers Brendan Smith, Marconi to the Cloud; Mark Scanlon,; Eddie Kilbane, CEO PiPiper Consortium; and Dr. Thomas Acton, Centre for Innovation & Structural Change NUI Galway in the Global Village Innovation Pavilion

10am Computer and Communications Exhibit; Science and Technology Vision Show

Innovation Hub, Global Village until 8pm Monday- Friday

10am 3rd Annual Smartocean Conference, The Marine Institute, Renvyle

10am` Kite Surf to Aran Islands

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare Island /Mutton Island until 5pm

10am All day- Fashion, jewellery and beauty exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, mini facials, and hair extension demonstrations. Global Village Style Platform

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro-toques Mini Chef’s Children’s Cookery Workshops with Gearoid Lynch, The Olde Post Inn, Cavan in the Food Pavillion Global Village

12.30pm Irish Food Today: Cookery Demo with Chef Gearoid Lynch, The Olde Post Inn Cavan, in the Food Pavillion Global Village

1pm Brazilian Drumming and Capoeira, Funky Drums & Grupo Candea followed by Café Minor, Wyvern Lingo, This Club and DJ iRadio in Race Village iRadio

Marina Stage

1pm Special guests followed by Amazing Apples, Oddity, Sarumba, Arrow in the Sky, Queen Elvis and Spring Break Global Village, Main Stage

1pm Theatre, Drama, Documentaries and Comedy from Youth Theatre Westside, followed by Galway Fringe Festival, ‘The Little Cinema’ and comedian Abe Philibin Bowman and Aidan Killian Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages (until 7pm ). Full schedule on 2pm ISA/ IDSA Accessible Sailing Galway Bay

2pm The Wooden Spoon, Breads Baking and Deserts: Cookery Demo with Peter Merrigan, Avoca Cafes in the Food Pavilion, Global Village.

3pm Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine visits Global Village Food Pavilion

3pm How to Accessorize with Jewellery Global Village Style Platform

3.30pm West Coast Cooking: Kelan McMichael, Rathmullan House in the Food Pavilion Global Village

5pm Putting Local Food on the Menu: Feargal O’Donnell, The Fatted Calf, Glasson in the Food Pavilion Global Village

5.30pm Kayakmor Try Sea Kayaking Galway Bay

7pm Getting to the Main Stage, followed by the Deanes and Thin Lizzy Race Village Harbour Main Stage

7pm Galway Chamber of Commerce President’s Dinner and Irish Diaspora Celebrations (Ticket only ). Global Village, Global Arena.

Guest speaker CEO Volvo Ocean Race Knut Frostad.

Presentation of the Galway Chamber/ Lets Do it Global Award Trophy to an outstanding member of Irish Diaspora by Mr. Kingsley Aikins, CEO Diaspora Matters

Tuesday July 3

‘China Day’

Time TBC Visit of His Excellency, Luo Linquan, the Chinese Ambassador in Ireland to Salthill (themed ‘China’ )

10am Medical Device Day ( until 1pm ) ‘The Success of the Medical Device Industry in Ireland’ chaired by Dr Tom Kelly Enterprise Ireland with speakers Jim Power CEO/ MD Aerogen and Sandra Ganly MetricIreland; Thomas Furey, Lake Region; Donal Balfe. Government Affairs Covidien; and Dr Mark Bruzzi Programme Director BioInnovate Ireland: Global Village Innovation Pavilion

10am Computer and Communications Exhibit; Science and Technology Vision Show

Innovation Hub, Global Village until 8pm Monday- Friday

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare Island /Mutton Island until 5pm

10am Volvo Ocean Race Academy (until 4pm )

10am Smart Ocean Innovation Exchange (until 1pm ) Marine Hub, Global Village

10am All day: Fashion, jewellery and beauty exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, mini facials, and hair extension demonstrations. Global Village Style Platform

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro-toques Mini Chef’s Children’s Cookery Workshops with Peter Merrigan, Avoca Cafés in the Food Pavillion Global Village

12.30pm Putting Local Food on the Menu: Cookery Demo with Chef John Coffey, Thyme Restaurant, Athlone in the Food Pavillion Global Village

1pm Chinese Dancing Troupe followed by Lazy Blues Band, John Blek & the Rats, The Raglans, and DJ iRadio Race Village iRadio Marina Stage

1pm Fiachra O’Regan followed by Galway Fringe Festival, Miriam Donohue, Parisch Browne Band, John Connelly, The Laundry Room, The Bahh Band and Layne County on the Global Village

Main Stage

1pm Theatre, Drama and Documentaries from Drama groups from Galway City & County, followed by The China Ireland Experience Galway Fringe Festival and ‘The Little Cinema’ Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages (until 7pm ) Full schedule on 2pm The Wooden Spoon, Breads Baking and Deserts: Cookery Demo with Peter Merrigan Avoca Cafes in the Food Pavilion, Global Village.

3pm Choosing a Hat for the Races: Global Village Style Platform

3.30pm West Coast Cooking: Martin O’Donnell, the Twelve Hotel: Food Pavilion Global Village

5pm Food Skills: Eat the By -Catch: Stephane Griesbach, Gannet Fishmongers and Enda McEvoy Aniar Restaurant: Global Village Food Pavilion

Time TBC Arrival Ceremonies for the Volvo Ocean Race Fleet at Galway Harbour. Official Welcome for Fleet by Mayor of Galway City, Cllr. Terry O’Flaherty. His Excellency Jeremaih Ndou, South African Ambasador to Ireland and His Excellency Luo Linquan, Chinese Ambassador to Ireland to attend official Welcoming Ceremony

7pm Sean Slattery & the Connections, followed by Amazing Apples and the Sawdoctors Race Village Harbour Marina Stage

8pm Arrivals Party hosted by President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins Global Village Global Arena

Wednesday July 4

‘America Day’

9am SmartOcean Innovations (until 1pm ) Marine Hub, Global Village

10am President Michael D. Higgins Walk visits Race Village and Global Village

10am Leadership Innovation ( until 1pm ) ‘Thought Leadership in the 21st Century’ chaired by Dr. Chris Coughlan Hewlett Packard with speakers Tim Hynes Senior Director Microsoft, Dana Strong CEO UPC and Michael McLoughlin CEO Connect Ireland : Global Village Innovation Pavilion

10am Computer and Communications Exhibit; Science and Technology Vision Show

Innovation Hub, Global Village until 8pm Monday- Friday

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare/Mutton until 5pm

10am All day fashion, jewellery and beauty Exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, mini facials. Sailors pampering sessions. Global Village Style Platform

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro- toques Mini Chef’s Children’s Cookery Workshops with Michael Quinn Waterford Castle in the Food Pavillion Global Village

12pm Public picnic with Musical Entertainment (until 3pm ) Global Village Global Arena

12.30pm Irish Food Today: Cookery Demo with Chef Michael Quinn, Waterford Castle: Food Pavillion Global Village

1pm The Molly Hicks followed by Mike & the Skallywags, The Shoos, O Emperor and DJ iRadio, Race Village iRadio Marina Stage

1pm Special Guests followed by Galway Fringe Festival, Fia Rua, The Hardcore Priests of Yemen, Rural Savage, The Getaway Gondola and Mike & the Scallywags Global Village Main Stage

1pm Exhibitors Fashion Shows (until 6pm ) Global Village Style Platform

1pm Theatre, Drama and Seminars from Drama groups from Galway City & County, followed by Green Seminar, Galway Fringe Festival and Mairin Ni Dhonnchadha NUIG: Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages (until 7pm ) Full schedule on 2pm The Wooden Spoon: Traditional Irish Baking: Siobhan Lawless Foods of Athenry, Global Village Food Pavilion

3.30pm West Coast Cooking: Sam Mulholland, Renvyle House: Global Village Food Pavilion

5pm Food Skills: Eat the By -Catch: Stephane Griesbach, Gannet Fishmongers and Enda McEvoy Aniar Restaurant: Global Village Food Pavilion

6pm Hot 8 Brass Band followed by Tucan, Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, Galway Swing Dance, Vaudeville Vamps, West Coast Big Band

7pm US Independence Day Parade- Eyre Square to Global Village – His Excellency Dan Rooney US Ambassador in Ireland to attend

8pm Independence Day Celebrations Hosted by US Embassy (Invite only ) Global Village Global Arena

10.45pm Fireworks Celebrations Galway Harbour

Thursday July 5

‘Youth Bands Day’

10am Marine Careers & Recruitment Event (until 7pm ) Marine Hub, Global Village

10am Computer and Communications Exhibit; Science and Technology Vision Show

Innovation Hub, Global Village until 8pm Monday- Friday

10am International Sustainability Summit (until 5pm ) Global Village Global Arena: official opening by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, TD

Pat Rabitte TD, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources attends

10am Irish Innovation :Global Media (until 1pm ) chaired by Muirne Laffan Head Of Digital, RTE and Aisling McCabe, RTE Digital with speakers Karlin Lillington, Irish Times, Orlaith Carmody; Dr. Bahareh Heravi ( DERI ), Gavin Sheridan Innovation Director, and Ann O’Dea CEO Silicon Republic in the Global Village Innovation Hub

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare Island /Mutton Island until 5pm

10am All day Fashion, Jewellery and Beauty Exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, mini facials. Global Village Style Platform

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro-toques Mini Chef’s Children’s Cookery Workshops with JP McMahon Cava: Food Pavillion Global Village

12pm Volvo Ocean Race V70 fleet practice on Galway Bay (until 4pm )

12.30pm Irish Food Today: Cookery Demo with Chef Sunil Ghai, Ananda Restaurant, Dublin in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

1pm Special guest followed by Galway Fringe Festival, Icon on Fire, An Chrannog, Sircles, Crow Black Chicken and The Sumbrellas Global Village Main Stage

1pm Alaya Dances from UAE, followed by Lazy Café Trio, Runaway Go, Oddsocks Revival followed by DJ i Radio, Race Village, iRadio Marina Stage

1pm Exhibitors Fashion Shows Global Village Style Platform

1pm Story Telling, Music,Theatre, Drama and Seminars from Futa Feta, followed by Fergal O’Bearra, Ruairi Mac Con Iomaire, Tagdh Mac Dhonnagain, Aine Ni Dhroighneain and Toner Quinn. Noirin Ni Shuileabhain with Sean and Frankin Gavin, Seanie O’Dowd and Richie Lyons followed by Conradh na Gaeilge, An Taibhdhearc Theatre and Caint NUIG with Chriostoir Mac Carthaigh in the Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages (until 7pm ) Full schedule on 2pm The Wooden Spoon: Children’s Baking & Deserts, Ann Kelly, Hotel School GMIT: Global Village Food Pavilion

3.30pm West Coast Cooking: Martin Bealin, Dingle Co. Kerry: Global Village Food Pavilion

4pm Conradh na Gaeilge Events/ Imeachtai Conradh na Gaeilge followed by Amharclanna Naisiunta na Gaeilge Global Village Bar Stage

4pm ISA/IDSA Accessible Sailing Galway Bay (until 7pm )

4pm Cruising Experience (until 7pm ) Galway Bay

5pm Parachute Display and Delivery of Volvo Ocean Race Trophy by Helicopter: South Park

5pm Food Skills: The Versatility of Eggs, Frank O’ Connor, Hotel School GMIT: Global Village Food Pavilion

5pm Prize-giving Ceremony Volvo Ocean Race Leg 7 ‘ Lorient to Galway’ Race Village Harbour Main Stage

7pm Volvo Ocean Race Skippers Shindig Global Village attended by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD

7.30pm De Danann followed by Altan in Race Village Harbour Main Stage

Friday 6 July

‘Youth Bands Day’

Time TBC Sean Sherlock TD, Minister of State, Department of Enterprise, Jobs & Innovation visits Innovation Hub

10am Marine Careers & Recruitment Event (until 7pm ) Marine Hub, Global Village

10am New Ways of Seeking Business Funding :Access to International Equity and Debt Capital ( until 1pm ) chaired by Bobby Kerr Dragons’ Den and Newstalk Down to Business Show with speakers Dr. James Cunningham Centre for Innovation & Structural Change; Barry Dolan, Lake Region Medical and Pat Duane Creganna, Chris Curtis, Maurice Healy and Gavin Duffy, Dragons’ Den Global Village Innovation Hub

10am Computer and Communications Exhibit; Science and Technology Vision Show

Innovation Hub, Global Village until 8pm Monday- Friday

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare/Mutton until 5pm

10am All Day Fashion, jewellery and beauty exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, mini facials. Global Village Style Platform

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro- toques Mini Chef’s Children’s Cookery Workshops with Neven Maguire MacNean House Blacklion in the Food Pavillion Global Village

11am Street Theatre and Roving Entertainment ( until 7pm ) Race Village

11am Volvo Ocean Race V70 Pro- Am Race Galway Bay

10.30am New Ways of Seeking Funding (until 1pm ) Innovation Hub, Global Village

12.30pm Irish Food Today Cookery Demo with Chef Neven Maguire in the Food Pavillion Global Village

1pm Hakka Display followed by The Acafellas, Vickers Vimy, Hot Sprockets and DJ iRadio Race Village iRadio Marina Stage

1pm Blu Loves Milo followed by The Reel Sessions, Mojo Gogo, Shadowplay, A Band Called Wanda, The Screaming Blue Cats and the Aftermath Global Village Main Stage

1pm Exhibitors Fashion Shows (until 6pm ) Global Village Style Platform

1pm Theatre, Drama, Documentaries from Youth Theatre, followed by The Galway Fringe Festival, The little Cinema and the Sea Shepard : Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages (until 7pm ) Full schedule on 2pm The Wooden Spoon: Baking with Irish Seaweed- Prannie Rhatigan, author of ‘Irish Seaweed Kitchen’ in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

3.30pm West Coast Cooking: The Chefs and Food of the West Coast of Ireland: Seamus Commons, Knockranny House Hotel, Westport: Global Village Food Pavilion

5pm Food Skills: Wild Harvesting and Cooking with Irish Seaweeds, Prannie Rhatigan in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

7pm Atlantic Pirates followed by Stephane James & Band and The Stunning, Race Village Harbour Main Stage

7.30pm International Design Collective Fashion Show hosted by Victoria Smurfit Global Village Global Arena

Saturday July 7

‘Trad Irish Day’

Time TBC Leo Varadkar TD, Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport visits Innovation Hub

10am Innovation in Sport ( until 1pm ) chaired by Michael O’Muirecheartaigh with Danny Rutar, Sports Technologist; Greg Muller, Human Performance Coach; Nathan Lewis Nutritionist to British Olympic Team and Ted Vickey, Sports Exercise Engineer NUIG in the Global Village Innovation Hub

10am Stay Safe at Sea (until 7pm ) Marine Hub, Global Village

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare/Mutton until 5pm

10am All Day Fashion, Jewellery and Beauty Exhibitions. Make up and nail demonstrations, Mini Facials, Global Village Style Platform

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro- toques Mini Chef’s Children’s Cookery Workshops with Darina Allen Ballymaloe Cookery School: Food Pavillion Global Village

11am Volvo Ocean Race V70’s Final Inport Race, Salthill

11am Street Theatre and Roving Entertainment (until 7pm ) Race Village

12.30pm Irish Food Today: Cookery Demo with Chef Darina Allen, Food Pavillion Global Village

1pm South Embur, Tupelo, The Gold Diggers, Machine Gun Baby, Rainy Boy Sleep, Ultan Conlon & Kim McKee and Fling Global Village Main Stage

1pm Exhibitors Fashion Shows ( until 6pm ) Global Village Style Platform

1pm Theatre, Drama, Documentaries from Tuam Youth Theatre, followed by The Galway Fringe Festival and The little Cinema: Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages (until 7pm ) Full schedule on 2pm The Wooden Spoon: Dinner Party Deserts Paul Kelly, The Merrion Hotel, Dublin Global Village Food Pavilion

2pm RBW Try Windsurfing

3pm The Rye followed by Eric McGrath, Riptime Movement and DJ iRadio Race Village iRadio Marina Stage

3.30pm Food Skills: Lesser Meat Cuts, Frank O’Connor Hotel School GMIT Global Village Food Pavilion

4pm Volvo Ocean Race Final Prize giving preceded by Global Cultural Spectacle from LUXe. In attendance Leo Varadkar TD, Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport and Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

4.30pm Sea Kayak Race Galway Bay

5pm Food Skills: Birgitta Curtin Burren Smokehouse, Lisdoonvarna in the Global Village Food Pavilion

7.30pm Flamenco Show: Naiara Nunez y La Canace Cuadra Race Village Harbour Main Stage

8pm Volvo Ocean Race Galway Dinner and Awards Ceremony Global Village Global Arena

HRH Prince Carl Philip of Sweden in attendance

9pm Sharon Shannon and Orchestra, Race Village Harbour Main Stage

Sunday July 8

‘South Africa Day’

Time TBC Visit of His Excellency Jeremaih Ndou, South African Ambasador to Ireland

9am COPE Triathlon (until 12.30pm )

10am Stay Safe at Sea (until 7pm ) Marine Hub, Global Village

10am Try Sailing with Galway Bay Sailing Club and Volvo Ocean Race Academy (from 11am ) - inside Hare/Mutton until 5pm

10am All Day Fashion, jewellery and beauty exhibitions. Global Village

10am All day - Artisan Food Market showcasing Irish artisan food producers in the Food Pavilion, Global Village

10.15am Euro- toques Mini Chef’s Children’s Cookery Workshops JP McMahon, Cava Restaurant, Galway in the Food Pavillion Global Village

11am Street Theatre and Roving Entertainment (until 7pm ) Race Village

11.30am GHA Hooker Racing (until 5pm )

12.30pm West Coast Cooking: Cookery Demo with Chef Xin Sun, Ballynahinch Castle Hotel in the Food Pavillion Global Village

1pm Roots of Africa followed by Noriana Kennedy, Fox Avenue, Key West and DJ iRadio in Race Village iRadio Marina Stage

1pm The Sunseekers followed by Dan Trayers Band, The Bogus Pogues, Touloking, So Cow, Stephen James Band and Propeller Palms Global Village Main Stage

1pm Theatre, Drama, Documentaries from Tuam Youth Theatre, followed by The Galway Fringe Festival and The little Cinema: Global Village Theatre & Spoken Word Stages (until 7pm ) Full schedule on 2pm The Wooden Spoon: Emer Murray, Goyas, Galway in the Global Village Food Pavilion

2pm Guinness Book of Records Tallest Hairdo Challenge Global Village Style Platform

3pm An Afternoon in Vienna- Vladimir Jablokov- Global Village Global Arena

3pm Kite Surfing Demo (until 6pm ) Galway Bay

3.30pm West Coast Cooking: The Chefs and Food of the West Coast of Ireland: Keith Carden O’Gradys on the Pier, Global Village Food Pavilion

5pm Food Skills: One Chicken, Three Meals: Ronan Byrne, The Friendly Farmer: Global Village Food Pavilion

8pm Festival Finale Party Global Village Global Arena


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