Foster parents wanted

A fostering agency is recruiting interested adults (couples/single persons ) to provide foster care/supported lodgings to children//teenagers/young people who cannot remain at home and need some “time away” to assist their development, wellbeing and care.

Fresh-Start Fostering Services (FFS ), the largest provider of residential childcare services to the HSE, will hold an information evening at the Carlton Hotel on Wednesday July 4 from 6.30pm to 9pm.

Its foster care services are now being developed in conjunction with its residential, community support and clinical/therapeutic services.

There are about 6,000 children/young people in foster care in this country and there is a growing need for additional foster carers.

Foster care is a challenging yet rewarding experience for individuals and families, according to FFS. “Foster carers undertake a comprehensive assessment over a 16 week period including a three day training programme prior to their final assessment report being submitted to the HSE Foster Care Committee for approval.”

Foster Carers’ support packages includes access to staff support round the clock, supervision and support from Fresh Start social workers who visit at least monthly and contact weekly, access to therapists and education expertise, paid respite and /or holidays for children and young people and financial support as per Foster Care Regulations 1995. There are also regular support group meetings and comprehensive post approval training and support.

For further information telephone (059 ) 9139454 or log onto


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