COPE Galway needs you — charity appeals for volunteers for summer fun events

COPE Galway yesterday made an appeal for volunteers to help at their upcoming summer fundraising events.

“We have a number of great fundraising events coming up and we need volunteers to make the events a success. All the planned events are fun activities and we have taken great care to make sure they are a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants and our volunteers” says Fintan Maher of COPE Galway. “If you can offer any help at all we would greatly appreciate it – we have a variety of roles for volunteers and admin support, stewards on the day of events, assistance with registering participants etc.”

“The first events are taking place during the Volvo Ocean Race and include World Record Chinese Whisper attempt on July 2, the Woodquay Haka competition on July 6 and the COPE Galway Ocean Race Triathlon on July 8.

“In addition to the Volvo events we also have the Summer 5K Bay Relay on July 26 in conjunction with Enable Ireland and the Midsummer Fete on Sunday July 29.

The funds raised from each event will be used directly in making a real and positive difference in the lives of homeless men and women, women and children who experience domestic violence and older people living in isolation in Galway.

Anyone interested in helping should contact Claire at the COPE Galway fundraising department at (091 ) 778 750 or e-mail


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