New campaign group Reserve the Rent Caps to hold rally

A newly formed campaign group, aimed at drawing attention to the devestating impact that new rent thresholds are having on families and individuals in Galway who are dependent on rent supplement, is to hold a rally tonight at the Harbour Hotel.

The mandate for the Reverse the Rent Caps group is to create awareness and garner support from all those affected by this change to the rent threshold which was introduced in Budget 2012 and lobby the Government to reverse this unfair austerity measure. As part of its campaign a rally is being held tonight at 8pm.

The campaign gained momentum following a meeting held last Friday at the Clybaun Hotel where members of the public shared their experiences of being left to struggle as a result of the new lower rent thresholds. It was discovered that although the change was announced in Budget 2012, families and individuals are only now receiving their review letters informing them of this new requirement which comes into effect immediately. Those dependent on rent supplement are now expected to ensure that their accommodation falls below these new rent caps.

Describing these requirements as unfair, spokesperson for the group and Sinn Féin senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh, urged members of the public as well as public representatives to attend the meeting tonight and give support to this vital campaign.

“I am appealing to all those, regardless of political allegiance or persuasion to attend our meeting and add weight to this campaign that needs urgent attention. I am also appealing specifically to our Galway Oireachtas members to come and address those in attendance and explain to those who face eviction from their homes the rationale behind this cruel cost cutting measure. We would hope that on hearing the devastating personal truth behind these new lower rent thresholds, our Galway representatives will do the right thing and use their influence and positions to have this change reversed. Ultimately, the pain and turmoil caused to rent supplement recipients far outweighs the predicted €22 million it might save the Government and it may indeed cost the country more in the longer term than it saves.”


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