Juice therapy workshop

Learn how much, how often and what juices work best for what at a juice therapy workshop at Health and Herbs, Sea Road, Galway, on Wednesday June 6, from 7pm to 8.30pm.

The workshop will discuss how juice therapy, wheatgrass, and super foods play a vital role in curing disease and reviving stamina. Regular consumption of fruit and vegetable juice also strengthens the body and prevents degeneration of the skin, flesh, glands, and organs as well as cleansing the organs and the blood, helping us to recover from illness faster, and increasing energy. Juicing also helps increase your immunity, alkalise your system, improve cardiovascular system and heart health, and increase your stamina and vitality.

The workshop will feature a variety of fruit and vegetable juices and discuss how they benefit the body. There will be juicing recommendations for sinusitis, IBS, chronic fatigue, fertility, weight loss, menopause, cholesterol, high blood pressure, stamina and fitness, and more. You will also have the opportunity to taste some raw food treats. If you have a health concern you can find out what is the best juice for you and why.

Juice therapy, sprouting, and superfoods offer fast healing and recovery from many diseases, find out more at this workshop. Call Yvonne Duffy O’Shaughnessy at 087 0573098 to book your place; booking is essential and places are limited.

This workshop is an opportunity to ask a raw food specialist and nutritionist any questions you have regarding your health and your diet. Cost is €25.


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