GAAW condemns Air Corp patrols over bogland

Air Corp patrols to prevent turf cutting in bogland in north east Galway have been condemned as “a crazy situation” by the Galway Alliance Against War.

According to the GAAW members of the National Parks & Wildlife Services are patrolling the bogs in Jeeps chaperoned by two Garda cars while Irish Air Corp patrols fly overhead to ensure no bog cutting is taking place.

“Our peace group never thought it would see the day the Irish Defence Forces would be employed against our own people to enforce European law,” said a GAAW spokesperson, “but that is what is happening in north east Galway at the present time.

“It is a crazy situation. On the one hand, rural Garda stations are being closed and on the other people in rural Ireland are being criminalised because they refuse to tug the forelock to bureaucrats in Brussels.”


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