HSE being ‘clogged’ up with rehired retired staff

The HSE’s decision to spend €11.5 million on rehiring almost 700 of its retired staff has been slammed by a west of Ireland MEP.

Jim Higgins insists this practice of “clogging” the HSE with retired staff cannot be justified at a time when unemployment is at 14.5 per cent.

“Despite reassurances that new guidelines, etc, had been adopted the latest HSE budget figures provide sobering evidence that the ‘retire rehire practice’ is still going strong in our health service.

“As a nation we simply cannot afford to pay both salaries and pensions to some 686 retired working individuals while also paying social welfare to 686 people who might have a job if not for the clogging of the HSE with retired staff.

“For every person made unemployed the exchequer loses at least €20,000 a year in social welfare payments and tax forgone, for 686 people you’re looking at an outrageous €13,720,000.”

He states he has been very vocal in his criticism of the HSE’s policy of re-employing retired staff. This practice is “grossly unfair” and smacks of “cronyism” among old colleagues.

“Many young graduates with fresh ideas are forced to emigrate, stack shelves or join the dole queue as retired HSE staff, already in receipt of state pensions, clean up.

“The State has invested hugely in the education and cultivation of top class graduates, they need to be given a chance to shine.

”Earlier this year I contacted Sean McGrath, the national director of the HSE’s human resources, who signalled his agreement with my comments that retired individuals should only be rehired in extreme circumstances.”

Mr Higgins says he has contacted the HSE calling for quarterly updates on the situation.

“This is especially pertinent for 2012 given the mass retirements ahead of the pension changes last February. This practice needs to be urgently stamped out.”


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