Christmas with a conscience at Martine’s

To celebrate its Christmas with a Conscience campaign Martine’s Wine Bar is donating 100 per cent of its service charge for the month of December to Galway Simon Community, which provides accommodation and services to people in Galway who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

“Christmas seems to be about excess these days and instead of feeling guilty on Christmas Day I decided to offer our staff the opportunity of donating their service charge to support local charity, Galway Simon, to help people in Galway who are in extreme need,” said Martine McDonagh of Martine’s. “Every penny donated will be matched by myself. I’m making this donation on behalf of my customers to help Galway Simon for Christmas.

“Homeless people are hit the hardest during winter, but particularly at Christmas. Our work is to provide as much support as possible during this time of the year when people are especially vulnerable,” says Kerry Mossop, fundraising manager with the Galway Simon Community. “What Martine’s is doing here is very special to us and we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to the staff, management and customers at Martine’s for their generosity.”

This initiative by Martine’s follows a slew of customer oriented and ethical decisions made this year.

“Going organic was the first for me,” Ms McDonagh said. “Then we cut our champagne prices in half and now were are donating our service charge to help people in Galway who are homeless. I suppose it’s really the staff here we have to thank for it.”

To be part of the Christmas with a Conscience book a table at Martine’s either online at, call (091 ) 565662 or drop in to 21 Quay Street, Galway.


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