Sinn Féin to hold Treaty meetings

Sinn Féin is holding a number of public meetings across County Galway to discuss the upcoming Fiscal Compact Treaty referendum.

The meetings will take place this evening at 8pm in O’Riordain’s Pub, Oranmore, where the speaker will be NUI Galway professor of economics Terry McDonough.

Further meetings will be held in Chill Chairáin (this evening ); Furbo (tomorrow ); Rinn Mhaoile (Monday ); Oughterard (Wednesday ); Ros a Mhíl (Thursday May 24 ); Cor na Mona (Monday 28 ); and Clifden (Tuesday 29 ).

A meeting will also take place this evening at 7.30pm for Galway city, in the Ballybane Community Resource Centre.

Speaking about the meetings, Sinn Féin senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh said: “It is vital the public have the opportunity to thrash out and discuss the detail and implications of the treaty. Obviously we will be putting across our arguments against ratification, stressing the detrimental and long lasting consequences a Yes vote would have for our economy and society.”


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