Healthy body, healthy mind

The correlation between health and beauty is an obvious one but one that can be all too easy for us to ignore. We can point to the likes of Kate Moss, who live unhealthy lifestyles yet are famed for their beauty. What we often forget is that few people are blessed with such good genes and that every cigarette and late night has a tendency to show up in later years.

Ah yes, the fags. While there may be a certain lingering glamour associated with elegantly toting a cigarette Audrey Hepburn style, in reality there is very little that is stylish about cigarettes. From a beauty point of view, they are a disaster. They stain your fingers and teeth an unattractive shade of yellow, they make your clothes and hair smell, and smokers lose the elasticity of their skin faster than non-smokers do, meaning wrinkles appear earlier. From a fitness standpoint, they curtail your lung capacity, making your resolution to keep fit that much harder. Added to the financial cost and the risk of cancer, there really is no reason to keep smoking.

Some people will convince you that getting fitting involves hours of work at the gym, but that is nonsense. However, if you can afford to join a gym, it is a good investment. For those who struggle with motivation, many gyms offer free personal training consulations. A trainer comes up with a plan tailor-made to your goals, all you have to do is follow it. Many people, especially those who struggle with weight, find gyms intimidating. Most gyms in Ireland are not exclusively populated by fit young things and is common to see people of all ages and shapes keeping fit. Finding the time can be tricky, but like everything, once you accomodate it into your week it will become routine. An hour twice a week plus half an hour’s walk every other day is more than enough.

For those without the financial means to join the gym, there are plenty of other options. Walking, jogging and running are all free, save for the cost of a tracksuit and trainers.

Of course, that is only one side of the equation, the other is diet. Despite the reams of paper wasted on fad diets every year, it is safe to say that none of them work. The only thing that does is eating reasonable portions of moderately healthy food three times a day. Becoming educated about food and drink will help you to avoid some calorie pitfalls, but if you have a bad day, do not beat yourself up. It is over, tomorrow is a new one.

Physical health is the foundation of beauty and good mental health. By getting fit, you will begin a postive cycle of caring for yourself, inside and out. You will find it difficult to maintain your emotional health if your body is in poor condition. A smile is the most beautiful accessory of all, and if you are happy, it will show.

While the 21st century makes it easier to maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, getting fit and staying fit is a worthwhile process which can only make you more beautiful.


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