Connolly slams HSE decision to scrap lunches at psychiatric day hospital as ‘most miserly’ cut’

A former mayor and city councillor has described as “deplorable” and “scandalous” the HSE West’s decision to stop providing lunches to clients attending a day psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of the city.

Cllr Catherine Connolly told a meeting of the Regional Health Forum West at Merlin Park on Tuesday that this was a “most miserly cut” which affected the “most vulnerable”.

The move, which was condemned by many elected representatives, came into effect in early September and meant that lunches/sandwiches are no longer being supplied to the 60 people who use the Ballybane facility.

Local politicians pointed out then that some of the service users had eating disorders and it was their only main meal of the day. Others come from hostels and depended on this lunch. They also outlined that the La Nua centre, which is situated at Ballybane Neighbourhood Village, is not close to restaurants or food outlets so there are no facilities locally for clients to obtain food. People attending the facility come from all over the city and would have been referred to the day hospital by their GPs.

In a statement issued then the HSE West outlined it was not the practice in day hospitals around the country to provide clients with meals.

“To date €93,000 has been spent on catering services for people attending the mental health services in West Galway. The allocated budget for same is €31,000 and therefore the current position is untenable if we are to achieve our legal responsibility to break even.

“In the case of Lá Nua Day Hospital most clients are based at the hospital for a short period of time each day and can still avail of complimentary tea-making facilities and snacks as required.”

Cllr Connolly said the HSE was wasting a fortune renting premises yet it had stopped providing a “warm meal at lunch-time” to people attending the La Nua day hospital.

Describing the cutback as “unacceptable” she said it affected vulnerable people such as those with schizophrenia and depression.

“It’s shocking and scandalous that you [the HSE] cut back this one warm meal,” she told health officials.

Cllr Connolly stated the meal was important not only because it provided warm food but it also offered clients an opportunity to come together to socialise.

Cllr Colm Keaveney supported Cllr Connolly and said the first to suffer are those who cannot defend themselves.

Sligo councillor Declan Bree said he fully endorsed Cllr Connolly’s comments.


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