A dream body in just four weeks

A dream body in four weeks may sound far-fetched but it is actually possible to lose between 10 and 15 pounds over the course of four weeks, with a sensible food plan and the right help, support, and advice. The trick is to stop the procrastination and take action today.

Therapie Clinic introduced SureSlim, a scientifically-approved weight-loss programme to Therapie Clinic, Shop Street, Galway, at the start of the year and has achieved the most remarkable results. On average, once you choose to stick to the programme you will lose between 10 and 15 pounds over the space of four weeks. Traditionally clients would sign up to a three or five month plan but with the incredible results in just four weeks, Therapie now offers a one month programme, which is obviously also more cost-effective.

SureSlim is based on nutrition, metabolic processes, and hormone regulation. The programme works in conjunction with exercise by correcting metabolism so the body starts to burn fat. A blood test at a local GP checks for potential disorders that may influence weight. These results are then used to create a personalised eating plan, put together by a medical professional. Your lifestyle and even food likes and dislikes are also taken into account. It could not be easier.

Perhaps you have special event coming up, maybe it is a Communion, a wedding, or even a holiday. Why not start today and re-claim your body, for once and for all. You will succeed. Phone the SureSlim consultant at Therapie Clinic for more information on 091 539 900 or visit www.therapieclinic.com


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