A Yes vote means continued investment says Walsh

“A Yes vote in the Fiscal Treaty referendum will be a key step in our economic recovery. It will send out a message of certainty to international investors thinking about creating jobs here.”

This is the view of Fine Gael Galway West TD Brian Walsh who is calling on Galwegians to vote Yes on May 31. He argues that multinationals “want to invest in a country where there is stability”. Dep Walsh was speaking after An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, launched Fine Gael’s Yes campaign.

“There has been a huge amount of progress made over the last year in attracting job creating international investors into this country,” said Dep Walsh. “Foreign Direct Investment is hugely important to Ireland; at least 250,000 people are employed in the sector here both directly and indirectly. This week several IT multinationals based in Ireland came out in favour of a Yes vote.”

He added: “A No vote is a vote for uncertainty, risk and confusion. A Yes vote will create the certainty and stability that investors need. A Yes vote is needed for a working Ireland – an Ireland that manages its finances properly and builds the right environment for job creation.”

Dep Walsh said that IDA supported companies account for €19 billion in total spend in the Irish economy and the same companies account for about €115 billion in exports. This in turn works out at 70 per cent of the State’s total exports.

“There have been a number of hugely positive jobs announcements in recent months, including the hundreds of jobs created by Cisco and Mylan in Galway,” he said. “If we want to continue this positive stream of inward investment I believe it is essential that we vote Yes to the treaty.”


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