Subsidised childcare available to parents

Parents seeking information about childcare funding programmes are welcome to attend the next parents’ network meeting in the Clayton Hotel on Tuesday, May 15 at 7.30pm, hosted by Galway City & County Childcare Committee.

Funding for childcare is currently provided by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs through three programmes: Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE ), Community Childcare Subvention (CCS ), and Childcare Education and Training Support (CETS )

The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE )

The ECCE scheme, or free preschool year, entitles all children of eligible age to a free year in their local preschool or crèche. Children can attend free of charge for three hours a day, five days a week, for 38 weeks, coinciding with the school calendar. This service must be entirely free of charge to parents. Childcare services may charge for extra hours or additional services but there is no obligation on parents to avail of these. Children born between February 2 2008 and June 30 2009 are eligible for the scheme for the school year commencing September 2012.

Community Childcare Subvention (CCS )

The CCS programme offers reduced childcare fees for parents in receipt of social welfare and/or medical card at participating community childcare services. There are 70 such services in Galway city and county. Parents can avail of reductions of between €31 and €95 per week, depending on their eligibility and the amount of time spent in the childcare service

Childcare Education and Training Support (CETS )

The CETS programme allows some student parents to avail of childcare for as little as €5 per week, from September 2012. This programme is only available to students on certain FÁS and VEC courses for the duration of the course.

As of September 2012, students eligible for the scheme may avail of childcare for a maximum of €25 per week for a full day care place and as little as €5 per week for an after school place. Part-time places and after school places where the child is collected from school will cost a maximum of €15 per week.

Parents who are planning to participate in eligible FÁS and VEC courses should get a letter from the FÁS or VEC training centre stating that they qualify for the CETS scheme and then select a childcare service from the CETS list and enrol their child. The childcare service will then contact Galway City & County Childcare Committee to request a CETS place for the child.

For further clarification of these schemes contact Galway City & County Childcare Committee at or 091 752039.

Parents seeking information are welcome to attend the next parents’ network meeting in the Clayton Hotel, Galway, on Tuesday May 15 at 7.30pm.


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