Be bowled over by Ireland cricket legend on Saturday

Ireland’s cricketing legend, all-rounder Trent Johnston is coming to Galway to visit the county club on Saturday between 12 and 1:30pm.

Johnston will be at the County Galway Cricket Club's ground at Lydican near Galway Airport, and will greet and sign autographs. He will bring with him the ICC World Twenty20 qualifying trophy, which Ireland won last month by defeating Afghanistan in the final in Dubai where Johnston broke into the top 20 rated bowlers in the world in this form of cricket. T20, or 20 overs per side cricket, is the shortest, fastest and, some say, the most exciting form of cricket played internationally.

Johnson will always be identified as the captain who led Ireland to incredible success in the the 2007 World Cup. Against the odds Ireland qualified for the last eight after staging the tournament upset when beating Pakistan, while also forcing Zimbabwe to a draw.

The cricket club is open to all for this event. Children can get a feel for the game as County Galway will be playing a pre-season friendly (40 overs per side ) against Co Clare, starting 1pm on Saturday 14th. There will be a BBQ available at €5 per person.

Juniors aged from 9 to 16 are welcome and can attend training sessions on Friday evenings, starting mid May, while seniors train on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Competitive games in the Munster League Division One and the Connacht League begin in earnest at the end of this month.

For further details check out the club’s Facebook page For more information on playing cricket in Galway, contact Nitin Bindal on or by phone on 0877456734.


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