Lose weight with the Orsmond Clinics

Dr Eva Orsmond is probably best known for her role as RTE’s hugely popular Operation Transformation diet and nutrition expert. Her battle to re-educate people on health and fitness is changing hundreds of people’s lives every day.

The Orsmond Clinics, which is run by Dr Orsmond, is a private specialist service in Ireland offering a medically supervised professional approach to the treatment of over weight and obesity, and one of the few clinics that also offers weight loss programmes for children and patients with diabetes.

“Obesity is still too often not treated as a disease in medical practice, but rather its symptoms, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type two diabetes. In reality numerous medical conditions can be treated through diet and lifestyle changes of which weight reduction and a balanced healthy diet form a fundamental part,” said Dr Orsmond.

Dr Orsmond believes that with the right support, education, and motivation, anyone can achieve weight loss and live a healthier life.

For more information call Galway (091 ) 790120, Dublin (01 ) 2827500, email galway@orsmondclinics.com or visit www.orsmondclinics.com


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