Campaign for new Clifden school building continues

The campaign to have a new school building for the students and teachers of Clifden Community School is continuing with Clifden Community School Initiative along with the students, teachers, parents and the wider community coming together to highlight the urgent need for the school to be built.

Councillor Eileen Mannion raised the issue at a recent board meeting of the VEC, who are one of the trustees of Clifden Community School.

“As a member of the board of the VEC, I along with two members of Clifden Community School board of management, Cllr Jarlath McDonagh and Frank Curley, requested that a letter go from the board of the VEC to Minister Quinn urging him to allocate funding for the new school building for Clifden Community School.

“A new building for Clifden school was due to become a reality in 2012 and now the news that the school is not included in the Five Year School Building Programme recently announced by Minister Quinn is a devastating blow to all those who have tirelessly campaigned for the new school,” said Cllr Mannion.

Cllr Mannion concluded that while the school has not been included in the Five Year Plan work is still continuing to complete Stage 2B, which is the final stage before the project goes to tender. She added that once Stage 2B is complete pressure will be put on the minister to allow the school project to go to tender.


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