.... Advertiser.ie - Public talk on female genital mutilation

Public talk on female genital mutilation

The controversial subject of female genital mutilation will be discussed at a public meeting in The Ruby Room in The King’s Head next Wednesday at 7pm.

The speaker for the evening will be Ronan Conway, associate professor at the Department of Epidemiology at the Royal College of Surgeons.

Female genital mutilation is generally seen as a problem in parts of Africa, but according to Prof Conway, it is not unknown in western countries - in the form of cosmetic genital surgery.

“Designer laser vaginoplasty and vaginal rejuvenation are growth areas in plastic surgery within western countries,” her said. “How can we judge African societies as being barbaric and not condemn equally the mutilation of women in the west solely to fulfil male masturbation fantasies?”

The meeting is being organised by The Galway One World Centre. Admission is free and all are welcome.


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