Fin-tastic time to be had as Marine Wildlife Roadshow hits town

Want to come face to face with a 15 metre sperm whale, hug a porpoise, see life sized models of whales, dolphins, seals, a turtle, and even a shark? Well now is your chance as Galway is set to welcome the Marine Wildlife Roadshow as well as being the venue for two important events dedicated to the conservation of whales and dolphins.

The Marine Wildlife Roadshow kicks off today at the Galway Shopping Centre and will continue until Sunday, March 25. The roadshow, which is being brought to Galway by ASCOBANS (Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish, and North Seas ) is expected to be a big attraction. Having already had successful displays at many museums nationside the roadshow features life-size inflatable models of marine life, short presentations - including talks on how to help dolphins, as well as educational activities for children. The roadshow, which is being held by the Whale Workshop, is a free admission event and promises to engage audiences on issues of whale and dolphin conservation.

The ASCOBANS annual meeting has been taking place in Galway (March 20 to 22 ) and the annual scientific conference of the European Cetacean Society will be held between March 26 and 28. It is hoped that all of these events will help the people of Galway become more involved and informed regarding the diversity of marine life and the conservation challenges.

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