JFC founder to give coalface summary at seminar

“How Ireland will adapt to the external international factors affecting it today” is the title of a joint Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA )/MBA seminar taking place at the JE Cairnes School of Business & Economics, NUI Galway on Wednesday March 21 at 6.30pm.

It will be delivered by guest speakers Dermot O’Leary, chief economist, Goodbody Wealth Management and John Concannon, MD, JFC Manufacturing Limited.

Dermot O'Leary will provide a macroeconomic overview of the challenging external environment which impacts Ireland's recovery. He will take a detailed look at

the global and European political, economic,

social, technological, environmental and regulatory (PESTER ) risks for Ireland. Reference will be made to the Troika, IMF, the Eurozone crisis, China's emergence as a dominant global power, and the USA's recovery with regard to how Ireland must shape its strategy to speed recovery.

Mr Concannon will give an “at the coalface” perspective by looking at how the innovative JFC Manufacturing Limited, the Tuam-based manufacturing company, has risen above the challenges, not just in Ireland but also internationally.

He will discuss what financial and business risk management means to an Irish export-led manufacturing company and what the critical business decisions have been and how they have shaped the company.

For bookings for this event, which is free to attend, contact nicola.glynn@ cimaglobal.com


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