Two films from Galway Film Society

THE GALWAY Film Society will screen two films over the coming week - one about a nervous new pope, the other about gender and identity in pre-teens.

We Have A Pope (Italy, 2011 ), directed by Nanni Moretti, and winner of a Golden Globes award Italy 2011, will be screened in the Town Hall Theatre this Sunday at 8.15pm.

After a pope dies the cardinals meet to elect his successor while the faithful wait outside St Peter’s for the announcement. Then the white smoke goes up, there is the cry “Habemus papam”, and people look eagerly to see the new Pope, but he does not appear on the balcony.

The new leader of the Roman Catholic Church is hit with a panic attack over all the responsibilities he must take on. What will he do and how will he cope?

To mark International Women’s Day, the GFS, NUI Galway’s Global Women’s Studies, and Amnesty International, will screen Tomboy (France, 2011 ) on Thursday March 8 at 8pm in the O’Flaherty Theatre, main concorse, NUIG.

Ten-year-old Laure is pretending to be a boy. She introduces herself as Michael to her new friend Lisa. Lisa in turn introduces her friends and soon Laure/Michael is one of the gang. Find out what happens in this exploration of the ways children conform to gender stereotypes and notions of masculinity and femininity. Tomboy won the Audience Award at the 2011 GAZE Festival.

For tickets and booking for all the above films contact the Town Hall on 091 - 569777 and


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