Have you ever wondered why some people achieve so much in life with what can seem like little effort while others seem to struggle and never quite get what they want? Evelyn Cormican of Blueprint Coaching and Training will be answering this question in her upcoming workshop ‘Think and Grow Rich’.
In this eight week interactive programme Ms Cormican will explain and examine some of the principles of success as outlined by Napoleon Hill in his No.1 best selling classic book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ bringing greater positivity, motivation and a ‘can do’ attitude back into your life.
‘Of course success means different things to different people, for one person success can mean having a happy family life, for another it can be winning a race and for others it will mean having a career with great financial reward.
Ms Cormica said “regardless of what success means to you the principles for achieving that success will be the same. However, as a starting point you have to get clear about what success is for you and what you want to create in your life, many people aren’t living the life they want because they are allowing their current results to determine their future. In the current economic climate there is so much focus on the ever contracting economy of the country, it is impacting our thinking and many are finding themselves in a negative mindset and feeling hopeless and stuck. “Traditionally in Ireland we were never encouraged to dwell on things and told to ‘get up of our back-sides’ to face another day when things went wrong.
However nowadays much credence is given to acknowledging the impact of negative events like the ever declining economy and people are finding themselves paralysed into inaction. These negative factors can affect our perception, destroy our creativity, and have a negative impact on our attitude. We need to understand this so that we can face life’s challenges with motivation and a positive attitude,’ said Ms Cormican.
One of the key principles of success as outlined by Hill and incorporated in this programme is the idea that ‘success comes to those who become success conscious, and failure comes to those you become failure conscious’, when you start to recognise how your thoughts impact your results, you begin to choose your thoughts more carefully, it is well documented that throughout the ages all the great leaders, the great thinkers and teachers agree on this one thing, and that is ‘thoughts become things’.
When you begin to master your thoughts you begin to master your life. One of the first steps is self awareness, and with greater self awareness your mindset shifts to one of possibility, opportunity and the motivation to take action. When you understand and begin to apply the key principles taught in this programme to any area of your life or business you will get better results.
Ms Cormican said “I was first introduced to Think and Grow Rich by Bob Proctor when I was trained by Bob Proctor as a Life Success Consultant in Florida in 2007 and licensed to teach Bob Proctor’s programmes, I have delivered and continually developed this course over the past FIVE years and each time it gets better. I get a renewed sense of excitement by sharing these teaching as I observe people grow, develop and realise some of their life goals over the eight week programme” says Ms Cormican.
Ms Cormican carries the message of these great teachers a step higher and explains in terms understood by tots and tycoons alike how a person goes about recognising his/her potential and how to apply this effort in setting and achieving life goals. Previous participants on this programme have said that this programme has completely changed their lives for the better.
Two programmes are being offered in Feb, the first starting on Monday Feb 20 and the second starting on Tuesday Feb 21. Both programmes will run for eight weeks from 7pm to 9pm and will take place in Blueprint Coaching and Training in Terryland House, Headford Road, Galway. Booking is essential as places are limited to a maximum nine people per programme, you can book your place by calling Ms Cormican on 087 6083846 or email info@blueprintcoaching.ie