Mini declared the cleanest brand in Ireland

A recent CO2 survey of Irish new car registrations in 2011, which was carried out by, has revealed Mini to have the lowest average CO2 emission’s (117.1g/km ) making it the cleanest brand in the land. CO2 measurement is a true-to-life survey of the 89,000+ vehicles registered in Ireland last year.

Combining this significant achievement with Mini’s competitive pricing, made all the more affordable through Mini Financial Services and low cost road tax, is it any wonder that January 2012 saw a 100 per cent increase in Mini registrations versus the same month last year. The best selling model, the Mini First is currently available for €299 a month with a €299 deposit (based on the Mini select offer with Mini Financial Services, over 36 months at 10,000km per annum with 3.5% APR ).

The survey was carried out by the car history experts, a service that provides

vehicle history information for any vehicle registered in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Britain.

Commenting on the results’s managing director Shane Teskey said: “When we began this analysis we had no idea which individual brand would come out on top. The level of technology being embraced by car manufacturers to reduce the carbon footprint of their vehicles is nothing short of staggering and it’s a real achievement for Mini that they’re number one.”


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