Alan Bennett’s Habeas Corpus

ALAN BENNETT’S 1973 comedy, Habeas Corpus, will be performed by the Cortoon Lavally Drama Group in the Nuns Island Theatre tomorrow and Saturday.

Habeas Corpus follows the attempts of Dr Arthur Wicksteed to woo his attractive patient Felicity Rumpers. Wicksteed’s wife, Muriel, is, in turn, lusting after the charming head of the BMA, Sir Percy Shorter, who, as well as being Wicksteed’s old rival, turns out to be Felicity’s father. Expect confusion, farce, and many laughs.

The play is directed by Fred Williams. For tickets call Ann or Mary on 087 - 9317273. Tickets €12 adult, €8 children, or family ticket €30 (two adults and two children ).


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