St Francis Home could be used as step-down facility if proposal gets green light

Empty beds at St Francis Community Nursing Home in Newcastle could be used as a step-down facility to relieve the pressure on University Hospital Galway if a proposal being put forward by an HSE manager gets the go-ahead.

Councillor Catherine Connolly, the leader of an action group set up last year to save the public nursing home from closure, says following a meeting with the HSE West’s new community care manager it was confirmed that the 14 empty beds could be used immediately.

“The new manager confirmed that what is required is simply a re-designation of the empty beds in St Francis to step-down beds together with the provision of additional staff. Indeed this is a proposal which the manager is actively pursuing with the HSE management in Dublin and with management of UHG.”

Cllr Connolly, a member of the HSE West’s regional health forum, states this would be a “win-win” situation for both UHG and St Francis Home. More space would be available at the regional hospital and the remaining residents of the home could live out their days there.

“This makes sense both psychologically and economically. This would be a very positive solution to the crisis which has arisen both in UHG and St Francis. Indeed it would mean that the remaining 16 residents would not have to be moved from their home and at least 14 empty beds could be occupied immediately by patients from the hospital who have been clinically assessed as needing nursing home care.

“It is also the viable solution which the HSE West itself is proposing in order that a city the size of Galway will not be left without a public nursing home. Indeed if that was to happen it would be unique in the country.”

She said previously that at any given time there are more than 40 patients in acute beds at UHG who have been assessed as in need of nursing home care. Against this background she believed it did not make sense on any level to close the nursing home as a residential facility - the HSE West announced in 2010 that it intends to operate it solely as a daycare facility in the future.

Councillor Connolly told this newspaper yesterday (Wednesday ) that she has written to Galway’s Government TDs confirming the proposal to re-designate the empty beds at St Francis and seeking their immediate support and co-operation.

“What is required now is that local TDs, particularly Government TDs, come on board and seek confirmation from the HSE nationally and/or the Minister for Health that the empty beds will be re-designated and additional staff provided.”

She has asked the HSE West to confirm that none of the remaining residents will be put “under pressure” to move from St Francis Home.

“I also want the situation in relation to the proposed re-designation and its positive implications to be explained clearly to the families.”

She has also asked for an urgent update on what money will be saved by the HSE West when it completes its review of existing leases on more than 70 building in the city and county.

“It is expected that there will be significant savings for the HSE West and this is money which should be used to provide extra funds for St Francis and other frontline services.”


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