New online marketing group offers businesses the chance to use free tools

A new online network entitled Online Marketing in Galway has been set up as a place for marketers to share best practices, knowledge and ultimately enable small businesses to make the most out of free online tools.

This not-for-profit group was set up by Maricka Burke-Keogh, a former Google employee who recently moved back to Galway as senior online marketing exec in Enerit – an energy management software company.

Since leaving Google, Ms Burke-Keogh has been keen to make sure that she keeps up to date with the latest online marketing techniques and tools particularly as this is a key part of her role at Enerit.

With the rise in internet usage over the last ten years and people using the internet to purchase items, book holidays, check out restaurant menus or simply to read an article, online marketing is something which Ms Burke-Keogh says that businesses big or small can no longer ignore.

‘We are not trying to say in every case that a sophisticated e-commerce solution is necessary, however having even just a basic web presence to describe your businesses services, products, list your contact details, etc, is achievable for any business and with so many tools out there that these days small businesses can take advantage of it doesn’t make sense not to,” she said.

The network realises that not all businesses can afford a marketing team or indeed a dedicated marketing member of staff. It points out however that the tools and news announced within the network (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and its website ) more often than not are free or low cost tools that are easy to use or those which can often be figured out after a bit of dedication and ‘googling’.

Online Marketing in Galway acknowledges that it is not the only place in the West of Ireland or Galway that promotes online marketing. What this not for profit network offers however is an outlet within which, each and every one who wishes can share knowledge with others.

“We are not giving out competitive secrets; we are simply exercising our brains by keeping on top of the latest and most relevant tools to promote businesses online,” said Ms Burke-Keogh

“We are always keen to get more people involved in the network and have been delighted with people’s response to date. In the near future we will have some companies offering some Online Freebies and likewise for anyone that would like to actively contribute relevant articles or news we enourage them to get into contact with us”.

For details see


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