Let’s work together to make local business work

It is a little known fact that the vast majority of business in this country involves companies transacting with each other. The volume of business-to-business transactions is much higher than that transacted between companies and consumers.

The most obvious example of business to business is the retail supply chain — every product bought from a shop, for example, has in turn been purchased from a producer and/or wholesaler. However there are many ways in which businesses can interact for mutual benefit.

If you are a business owner, consider how other Galway companies could benefit your organisation. Whether you are self-employed or run a small firm, there are many services available locally which can help to raise your company profile and make your business more attractive to potential customers.

Consider, for example, how your company’s image impacts on customers who have a wide selection of similar service and/or product providers to choose from. Does your company have a recognisable corporate identity, a logo on all of its advertising, displays, and stationery? Do you have a website and, most importantly, is it kept up to date? Would your online presence benefit from search engine optimisation? How attractive is your shopfront and premises to potential customers? Is administration eating up time that could be spent more productively in other areas?

Similarly, there are many solutions available locally when it comes to protecting your company in the future. What would happen, for example, if there was a major problem with your computers or IT system? Is your data backed up? Have you explored what technology solutions could help you save money in the future?

This feature aims to give you some ideas about how your business can benefit from the knowledge and experience of others. Remember too that keeping business-to-business transactions local benefits the local economy, which in turn helps all companies in the area.


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