Make it your business to visit TechStar

TechStar, the new PC and laptop repair store located on Dock Road in Galway, is on hand for all IT woes and worries for businesses in 2012.

In business it is important to ensure your laptops and computers are performing to the best of their ability at all times, and when their performance begins to deteriorate, reliable and trustworthy IT support is required. TechStar provides a highly personalised IT support and repair service, providing customers with sound aftersales advice and the ability to source essential hardware and replacement accessories in quick turnaround time.

TechStar was established earlier this year by Jonathan Lyons and Peadar Quinn whose wealth of experience, expertise, and professionalism will complement their customer service skills very effectively. Stocking an extensive range of supplies and accessories in a bright, modern, and clean space, co-owners Lyons and Quinn offer their business customers price quotes including or excluding VAT.

Co-owner Peadar Quinn has found, from speaking with various businesses they have dealt with, that many are opting to bring their computers to the store, as onsite services can prove rather costly in a time where efficient spending decisions must be made by businesses. “Our business customers are extremely happy with the one to two-day turnaround time we offer them, as computers are an integral part of their business,” he said. “We provide a wide range of accessories, including inks and colour laser printers for business use, and are able to get most items delivered the following day. Businesses are not in a position to wait one or two weeks for their computer to be repaired.”

So to ensure your business IT needs are kept in check this New Year, visit TechStar today. TechStar is open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Wednesday, 8am to 8pm Thursday to Friday, and from 9am to 6pm on Saturdays. Call TechStar on 091 575757, or for more information visit


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