Taking responsibility for your health this 2012

We all resolve to make changes in January. Each year we endeavour to generally take better care of ourselves and our families by resolving to give up smoking, deciding to lose weight, signing up to some exercise classes, or possibly joining a gym.

We all start out with intentions to live a more balanced, healthier life. The mistake some of us make is to try to go it alone.

Getting help does not necessarily have to mean expensive therapies, books, or classes. You can simply walk into a health store and ask for advice. The advice is free and you are under no obligation to purchase.

Evergreen is this year celebrating 20 years in business in Galway. Hard to believe it, but the Mainguard Street store opened in April 1992 at a time when health foods were not even on the radar for most of us. Now, 20 years on, we all have at least some form of health food or supplement in our kitchen cupboards.

Evergreen is celebrating this event all year with great special offers, events, and promotions. Each week this year the company has a €20 special of the week, as well as special promotions at 20 per cent off. Until Sunday January 15 you can save 20 per cent off A Vogel’s Milk Thistle and you can also get great value on some great weight management products — CLA Booster and GoCal1000 are both on offer this week at a very special price of €20 while stocks last.

Evergreen’s advice for this year is to take responsibility for your own health. It is widely recognised that people who take responsibility and get involved in their health and wellbeing are the people who live longer and more productive lives.

Evergreen’s top tips for improving your overall health and wellbeing are:

1. Define healthy for yourself. What does healthy mean to you? It is different for everyone so you need to decide for yourself what you want to achieve for 2012.

2. Take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are living a healthy life. If not, look at simple ways to improve your habits, and seek advice on how we could help.

3. Keep a daily food log for one week. You will be shocked to see how much junk food you really eat. Ask in store for advice on healthier options for your daily diet.

4. Start taking responsibility for your health problems. Don't leave everything in the hands of your doctors. They can only do so much. Ask in store about some dietary or lifestyle changes you could make that might improve your health this year.

Talk to the staff at any of the five Evergreen stores in Galway. You will find them at Mainguard Street in the city centre, Galway Shopping Centre, Westside Shopping Centre, Barna, and Moycullen. You can also check out the products online at the Evergreen website, which offers home delivery. See www.evergreen.ie for details.


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