Become a healthier new you with NuTron Advanced

It is a New Year and time again to think about embarking on a healthier lifestyle - a long-lasting and ultimately rewarding change that will not only decrease the waistline but also reap many health benefits - and now that NuTron Advanced is back this new healthier you can be a reality.

Although NuTron Advanced is incredibly effective in weight loss/management it is not a diet; there is no starving here, no pills, no shakes, just the indentification of foods that a client may be allergic to or that cause an adverse reaction in the gut, and the promotion of following a healthy and nutritional eating programme that can also aid in the treatment of many health problems including diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS ), asthma, arthritis, migraine, sleep disorders, eczema, depression, psoriasis, as well as many digestive disorders and all inflammatory conditions.

After an absence of more than 11 years, Clare native Kathryn Duffy is re-launching the NuTron Advanced programme which enjoyed massive success between 1995 and 2000 with more than 82,000 clients on the books throughout the country. However, the business took a back seat when Kathryn was faced with serious health difficulties which she eventually overcame, an accomplishment which she says was made possible due to her healthy eating. Now the business is ready for a comeback, ready to help others take a healthy path and make positive lasting changes in their lives.

Speaking at one of the NuTron Advanced clinics at Killard Stud, Waterview, Turloughmore, Co Galway, Kathryn Duffy explains how she took the brave step of leaving her Bank of Ireland job to set up business on her own, starting with the Inches Slimming Clinic in Galway which primarily focused on weight-loss and muscle toning for men, however, this business soon developed into the more advanced NuTron Advanced programme.

“I started up the clinic in Galway city for men, looking after them from a weight loss point of view and it worked. Then I gave birth to my son, who is now 17, and had two stone to lose but I couldn’t. I then stumbled across the NuTron Food intolerance test and I got tested in England, and in five weeks I lost one and half stone. It was incredibly effective. Food intolerance testing was practically unheard of in Ireland at the time. It was so different and so easy, especially if you love food. It is about making a simple change in your lifestyle, and developing the idea that people can lose weight in a healthy way. Within one and half years of starting the NuTron Advanced business I was inundated, through word of mouth, people came to lose weight initially but realised this is a symptom of an underlying problem, problems with the gut and intestine. You are what you eat, your body reflects what you are putting into your mouth. I started to share this information with people and it was huge business by the mid-1990s with three of my own clinics set up and 21 franchises. I took a massive leap, I had a bank job which was good then, but I felt so strongly about this, it was an incredible product as I still think today, because of the results people get.”

However after five years the stress and pressure of running such a huge business finally took its toll. In 2000, when the business was at its peak, Kathryn was admitted to hospital with a clot in the lung, followed six months later by two bleeds in the brain, a stroke, and brain surgery. “I became very ill because I was doing way too much. There was no choice for me but to stop working. Unfortunately, the business also suffered and it disappeared within two years. It took five years to build and by 2002 it was gone. It was heart breaking,” said Kathryn, who added that her illness and her subsequent remarkable recovery made her realise that each and every person is responsible for his/her own health, that by eating healthily your health improves and then, if a real illness comes along medication will really work better.

The reputation of NuTron Advanced and its proven results still survived and in 2009, Kathryn was contacted by a friend who wanted to do it and convinced her to revive it. “That friend did the programme, found it incredible, and has her own clinic in Cork. This spurred me on to revitilise NuTron Advanced and in September 2010 I started back properly, first developing the clinic in Castlebar, and then relaunching the clinic in Galway,” said Kathryn who is now keen to educate people on following a programme which is not a diet, but encourages eating nutritionally beneficial foods, staying away from processed products, and thereby helping the digestive disorder to correct itself and ultimately lead to healthier lifestyle.

“Your gut is your first line of defence, it is so important to know what to eat. The NuTron Advanced programme is based on the food intolerance test, it is about using a sound nutritional programme but also about support and back up for people who find it difficult to change their lifestyle. Sometimes, people just don’t know what to do, but simple changes can be adopted by everyone. The main tips are drinking two litres of good quality water on a daily basis, to not eat a main meal late in the evening as digestion only takes place at night, and to cut out processed foods - which is basically anything in a tin, packet, jar, bottle - and remove colourings and yeast. This gives our body a chance to heal itself. It is like putting bad fuel in an older car. I developed the NuTron Advanced programme for digestive disorders, to be a natural anti-inflammatory. First we do an IGE test which looks for anaphylactic reactions to things like peanuts and shellfish which can be life-threatening, and also food intolerances. The great thing about this is that you can eat to the limit of your appetite, within reason, it is three meals a day with particular foods cut out which are specific to the individual.”

Getting started on the NuTron Advanced programme could not be simpler. The first step is to contact your nearest clinic, arrange a suitable time to attend, and a blood sample is taken by a nurse and sent to the Evomed Diagnostics labatory in Germany and approximately 10 days later the results are back. Following a consultation clients are given an information pack which contains recipes specific to the results of the test, a food diary and rotation plan to ensure a balanced nutritional programme, and a detailed analysis of all the foods tested. Regular visits to the clinic are also arranged for weigh-ins and to discuss progress. The visits are also an opportunity to ask questions and to receive motivational support.

“It is a medically and scientifically based test used by doctors around the world. You receive a list of foods that you are allergic to or not and a four day rotation plan which is nutritionally sound. We sit down with the client and go through the results, there is also continued support and follow ups to help the person fully understand and ensure that the programme is successful. This what makes NuTron Advanced different. We have the knowledge and the experience, built up over 16 years - we were one of the first to develop food allergy testing in Ireland and at one point had more than 82,000 clients. The weight loss is still a benefit but we’ve evolved from that to help people with serious digestive disorders and other ailments. Clients found that once you get the gut right the body follows suit. The results are so great that we now have many doctors throughout the country, particularly in Galway and Mayo, who are referring some of their patients to us as they know that many conditions, especially those linked to digestive disorders, are very difficult to cure with medication. We have to take responsibility for our own health, there is no doctor or hospital in the country that can help us is we don’t wake up and look at everything we do and are eating.”

Regarding clients looking to address weight issues, Kathryn said: “I hate the word ‘obese’. People who are overweight, 80 to 90 per cent of them actually eat very little but they’re eating the wrong foods. The immune system is 70 per cent concentrated in the gut and when you eat a particular food it can consider some to be a foreign body - you may experience flatulance, bloating, heart burn. If you understand that it makes such a difference. Your immune system can attack foods you eat and when it attacks it releases chemicals to protect the body, these chemicals cause the inflammation which can lead to IBS or more severe conditions such as leaky gut syndrome. A trend I’ve also seen from tests is that gluton appears quite often as an allergy. We rely way too much on gluton based foods like bread, porridge, spelt, and wheat. Overuse of foods creates an allergy so rotation of foods you eat is very important. With our tests not alone are you tested for a specific food but you are given an alternative. We’re far too complacent about the foods we are putting in our mouths, my illnesses made me sit up and look at what my family and I were eating, there is nothing but plain natural food in my home. Everybody has the sole responsibility for their health, your body is designed to heal itself of most things provided it gets the correct fuel. My goal is to get people off the jumbo breakfast roll, to get people away from all the processed foods and onto a more natural healthy foods.”

There are currently clinics in Galway, Castlebar, Mullingar, Dublin, Cork, and Tipperary. For more information phone 091-797803 and 087-2219692, email, or simply log onto


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