Rid your home of the silent killer

Radon gas, known as the silent killer, is a naturally occurring radioactive gas which you cannot see, smell or taste, but it may be present in your home. In fact, the west of Ireland has the highest radon levels in the country. But fear not, a new and innovative invention will be hitting the market early next year which could rid your home of this harmful killer.

In 1997 legislation was introduced by the government that a radon barrier or sump must be installed in all new houses. However, a survey conducted by the Radon Protection Institution of Ireland in 4,800 homes in Ennis in 2001 found that seven per cent contained radon levels above the recommended level of 200 becquerels.

Radon is a deadly gas described as a group one carcinogen by the international Agency for Research on Cancer. According to the Irish Government radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and if you’re a smoker and have high levels of radon in your home, your risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer is especially high.

A west of Ireland entrepreneur, with many years experience in the construction industry, was conscious of the deadly effects of radon and the need to invent a device which would effectively remove radon from houses, given that the radon sump isn’t always as effective as it could be.

Bernard Ward from Headford, Co Galway, operating from an incubation unit in the Innovation in Business Centre at GMIT Castlebar, has spent six and a half years developing and tweaking such an invention to the stage where he is now ready to release it on the market.

Tried and tested

The Radon Extractor, which has been tested and certified by the British Research Establishment - the UK’s leading centre for research and consultancy on risk science - can extract radon from an existing house or be fitted to a new build.

The extractor comprises a series of underground pipes that lead to an extractor box fitted on the roof, through which radon is safely removed from your home and dispersed into the atmosphere where it evaporates.

If you are living in your house since 1997 and are concerned about the radon levels or would like to supplement the radon sump which was fitted during construction, you can benefit from this new device. Piping installed underground leads to an external source which is then piped discreetly up the outside of your house and connected to the radon extractor on your roof.

The benefits include clean air inside your home with low pollutant content; people with allergies will benefit greatly as windows can be kept closed; as windows can remain closed your home will be safer and more secure; there is no noise disturbance from the extractor; the radon extractor does not require maintenance, does not require any electricity to work and costs nothing to run. It is simple to install, eco-friendly and can be manufactured to match the colour of your roof tiles.

Costing just €300, the extractor, as Bernard explains, can remove 17 litres of radon gas per second continuously. Using cross winds which create negative pressure, the box sucks up the radon gas from under your house through a standard drainpipe and then exhausts it into the atmosphere.

Bernard is working in conjunction with the HSE to bring this product to the market on February 6 2009 when it will be available to purchase through hardware stores. This week he will attend the Mayo Business Awards where he has been nominated for the Best New Business Concept Award.

So when you purchase a Radon Extractor from GVS - Galway Ventilation Systems - Bernard’s company, you will be part of a success story in the making, one which grew and developed over six years of hard graft and one which is set to take Ireland by storm.


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