See ET and The Princess Bride in Campbell’s

STEVEN SPIELBERG’S classic film ET and the family comedy The Princess Bride will be screened by the Solstice Arts Group at Campbell’s Tavern, Cloughanover, Headford, this Sunday.

In ET, Eliot has an absentee father and a mother who works, leaving him in an empty house. Then he meets an alien who has crashlanded to earth, and Eliot’s life changes forever as he and his alien friend begin an extraordinary journey. ET will be screened at 4pm

At 8pm The Princess Bride will be shown. When a young boy (Fred Savage ) stays home sick, his grandfather (Peter Falk ) tells him a story full of “fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escape, love and miracles”, revolving around star-crossed lovers Buttercup (Robin Wright ) and Westley (Cary Elwes ). Cue a modern mediaeval romantic comedy for the whole family.

The screenings are part of Solstice’s Fall for Films event. Prior to both films, a short animation made by pupils from sixth class in Kilcoona NS and Belclare based artist Aideen Barry will be shown. It was produced in association with the Galway Film Centre.

Admission is €5. Children must be accompanied by an adult.


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